Happy 2023! Here’s to new beginnings.
But what happens when it feels difficult to start anew?
We get it. After the first few days of January, you may feel less sparkly. The possibilities that once felt exciting – feel daunting. And you don’t know how to even get started thinking about a next chapter for your career.
From our work with women in EvolveMe's signature group training program, the Reinvention Collective, we know for sure that…
The voices in your head are the difference between what holds you back AND what pushes you forward.
The good news is…you can control them! You get to choose.
Negative beliefs we carry around about ourselves feel true to us. They can leave you feeling overwhelmed, isolated, and stuck. If you feel trapped by thoughts that no longer serve you in your life and career, you’re not alone!
A new beginning is an opportunity to listen to those self-defeating inner voices and bid them adieu!
We’ll show you how to replace them with growth mindsets. A “possibilities” view of yourself and your future that will fuel your career leap in 2023.
Trust us, as 50-something career returners and pivoters ourselves. Opportunities start to open up again when you reframe the 23 limiting beliefs on the left with the affirming ones on the right that will get you unstuck and move you into action.
Try these on in 2023:
It’s too late for me > It’s just the right time.
I’ve been out of work too long. > Career breaks are normal now.
I can’t quit > There are so many other jobs for me.
My skills are outdated > I learn quickly.
I don’t know what I want to do > It will be an adventure to explore.
I’m overqualified > I can’t wait to share my value with the world.
They don’t want someone my age > I have experience to share.
I don’t have time to focus on me > I’ll calendar myself into my day.
What if I fail? > I learn from mistakes.
I should be able to do this by myself > We’re better together.
I hate networking > I’m good at building relationships.
I don’t like talking about myself > My story can help others.
I don’t have an “elevator pitch” > I’ve introduced myself many times!
My resume is out of date > It will be exciting to refresh my resume.
I have no connections on LinkedIn > I can start where I am.
I’ve “only” been volunteering > I’ve gained valuable skills volunteering.
I don’t know what my skills are anymore > I have at least 5 skills that are transferable to other opportunities.
It’s not worth trying until I fix/change _____ > I can take the first step today.
I’ve invested too much time/effort in this role > When we make changes, we grow.
It’s STILL not the right time - maybe next year? > There will never be a perfect time. The right time is now.
I’ve been in one industry my whole career > My skillsets can transfer to other fields.
People will think I’m being irresponsible > It only matters what I think!
I’ll wait until I get certified to do_________> I’m already enough just as I am.
Here’s the thing -- you get to choose. What you think is what you believe, and what you believe becomes more true every. single. Day. We know that it’s not easy to speak to yourself like you would to a best friend. That’s why we're here!
When you spend time understanding YOU and owning what you do have -- all your talents, skills, and what lights you up, you’ll be ready to move forward.
And it’s easier when you’re moving in the same direction as other smart, motivated women with similar goals!
Don’t go at it alone! We’re better together.
If you’re serious about making a change in your career this year, this resource is for you!
Check out EvolveMe’s “Get Going! Guide.” You’ll gain tips about THE FIRST STEPS you can take to get unstuck (and make the growth mindsets stick!) from women who’ve been in your shoes and made it to the other side of career reinvention.
It’s our gift to you! Download here: https://evolveme.work/get-going-guide.
Learn to see midlife as an opportunity to shine rather than an obstacle. And we go farther, faster - with more optimism and happiness - when we do it together! Here’s to our collective success in 2023.