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How She Did It: Lori Kranczer

Updated: Jun 20, 2023

Each month we feature inspirational women who've made it to the other side of career reinvention. Learn how they did it and take away usable tips from their professional journeys!

We're thrilled to introduce Lori Kranczer, Founder and CEO of Link Elevating Philanthropy. Her boutique consulting firm connects purpose with impact by working with mission-driven non-profits, businesses, and individual philanthropists to help them increase or create their legacy giving and endowment programs.

Lori is an avid reader, writer, and podcaster. EvolveMe was a recent guest on her show, the Positive Impact Philanthropy Podcast. Listen HERE.

Read on to learn more about this mission-driven entrepreneur and How She Did It!

What's your personal mantra, mission, or manifesto? Everyone can create their own legacy.

What inspired you to launch your current career/launch your business? A former practicing attorney, I spent 17 years in the nonprofit sector and mentored countless professionals on legacy giving. Launching my consulting business 6 years ago gave me the flexibility to go "all in" to provide support to nonprofits of all sizes to grow their legacy. My work in legacy expanded to support women that wanted to create their own legacy and giving plan.

What is unique about returning/pivoting in midlife? Challenges & opportunities? The challenge to pivot was starting a new business when I was in the midst of raising my kids; it was like having another child! The best part of creating a business when I did was that I have so much experience behind me that I felt more compelled to give back and help others than to seek climbing the corporate ladder.

What’s one intention you have for your work this year? To create more opportunities for women to learn about the impact they can make through philanthropic giving.

What are you most passionate about right now? Because of the growth we have experienced, I am excited to build a bigger team this year.

What does a typical day look like for you? I wake up around 5:30 to feed the pets and make coffee. I get the kids off to school by 7:30 and start my work in my home office at 8 and go straight with client work and meetings until 3:30 when the kids come home from school. I feed everyone and get them started on homework and I finish up work emails until dinner around 6. Depending on the day, I squeeze in a workout with my trainer or a 5 mile walk. I am in bed by 9:30 (early, I know!)

What’s the one thing that has advanced your career in the last year? I have practiced more self-care - sleeping better, I gave up alcohol, working out. It has benefited my well-being, and I have more energy.

Who’s your “tribe” when it comes to professional inspiration or support? I have many! I belong to a group, The Upside, I participated in the Goldman Sachs 10KSB program, and I have many peers that I am fortunate to support my work.

Favorite book, app or podcast? Too many to name - I am currently reading Gretchen Rubin's Life In the Five Senses and am really enjoying it

You’re granted an extra hour in the day. How do you spend it? Cooking - I love to cook and bake and never seem to have a block of time to hang out in the kitchen.

The advice I wish I had given to my 20-year-old self is… Don't ask for permission. I always had a sense of order and protocol. I gave that up in my 40s.

The advice that I want to give to my 75 year old self is... Continuing living with no regrets, and share your knowledge and experience to support the journeys of others.

Your theme song that played every time you walked in a room would be? Good question! I would have to ask my husband, but the music I would want to hear - 90s grunge and Green Day.

Best career advice for other women? Build or join a network of other supportive women, and take risks.

When did you feel you got “you” back? When my kids were in school full time, and I could focus on what mattered to me (and not listen to the chatter of others, or even myself sometimes, that would hold me back). This happened when I turned 50.

What’s up next? In business, we are launching a program for women to get the support, including consulting and coaching they need to reflect on their legacy and how to give back on their own terms. Women, more than men, enjoy collaborating in their philanthropy, so we are excited to support them through this. Personally, we are planning a few family trips and it will be wonderful to spend more time with the kids now they are teens.


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