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Rediscover Your Sparkle: Make Time for Play in Midlife

friends at picnic table with sparklers

As women in midlife, we often find ourselves juggling multiple roles - careers, family responsibilities, community commitments and the constant reminder not to overlook self care. 

In the midst of this busyness, we tend to forget an overlooked element of well-being: play.

This weekend, Judy decided to embrace pure fun, and the results were transformative! A day filled with go-karting, mini-golf, and campfire s'mores reminded her of its importance. 

Linda got into some fierce cornhole battles at the beach with family and friends. And treated herself to a couple of barefoot runs along the shore! Embracing time with family and nature fills her with gratitude - energizing her to dive back into the work week with a refreshed perspective!

As entrepreneurs in our 50s, leading EvolveMe, raising teens, college kids, empty nesting (ps. sometimes those chicks return to the nest!) and caring for aging parents, it’s easy to forget to make time for unstructured play. If you’re like us – it’s probably not easy for you either.

But decompressing isn't just about exercise and rest - it's about joy and getting back in touch with our lighthearted spirit! 

Engaging in different types of play can stimulate our minds, leading to enhanced creativity and problem-solving skills - assets in both our personal and professional lives.

As we wrap up our "Summer of Self-Discovery" series, here are 3 tips to help you incorporate more play into your life:

  1. Reconnect with childhood joys. Think back to activities you loved as a child or teenager. Did you enjoy roller skating, arts and crafts, team sports, or board games? Set aside time to revisit these activities. Don't be afraid to get silly - try hula hooping in your backyard or having a dance party in your living room!

  2. Try Something New and a Bit Challenging. Push yourself out of your comfort zone with a new playful activity. This could be taking a beginner's aerial yoga class, trying your hand at pottery, or joining a local improv group (one woman in EvolveMe tried this and she saw her confidence fly through the roof!). The combination of novelty and a little challenge will stimulate your brain and boost creativity.

  3. Schedule regular 'play dates' with friends. Recruit some women in your circle for regular play dates. This could be a monthly game night, a weekly walk in a new park, a book group, or a quarterly adventure day where you try something new together. Shared laughter and experiences can deepen your friendships, providing emotional support during this stage of life. For example, Linda has a group of friends committed to trying a fun activity every month. Axe throwing, paintball, cooking class, you name it. They look forward to the laughs, fun, and friendship every time! And Judy meets up with a group of college friends annually for a retreat where they reconnect and experience new activities - together!

Here's your challenge: Give yourself permission to play. Plan a playdate for yourself using one of these tips. Mix physical activities with mental challenges. Your refreshed, energized self will thank you!

Remember, play doesn't have to be elaborate or complicated! The key is to engage in activities that bring you joy and allow you to let go of everyday stresses.

What's your favorite way to play and recharge? Email us! We want to hear how you bring the fun!

Need help rediscovering what lights you up? Download our new EvolveMe Inner Compass tool to reignite your spark!

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